Only in Paris by Duncan J.D. Smith

102 41 7 th Arrondissement The Angel of Nagasaki 7 th Arrondissement, the grounds of UNESCO at 7 Place de Fontenoy Métro 6 Cambronne, 10 Ségur (Note: visits by appointment only) The Paris headquarters of UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Sci- entific and Cultural Organisation – are located at 7 Place de Fontenoy (7 th ). As its name implies, the purpose of the organisation is to contrib- ute to international peace and security through education, science and culture. Additionally the UNESCO building and gardens are home to some surprising works of art. Inaugurated in 1958 the UNESCO building was designed in the In- ternational Style by three architects of different nationalities: French- man Bernard Zehrfuss, Italian Pier Luigi Nervi, and Hungarian Marcel Breuer. They in turn were overseen by an international committee of world class architects, including American Walter Gropius and Swiss- born Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (better known as Le Corbusier). The result is an unusual Y-shaped building, seven storeys high and set on concrete stilts. This is the Secretariat where representatives from almost 200 UNESCO member states do their business. The two largest artworks at UNESCO sit in the garden directly in front of the Secretariat, and were installed as part of the original de- sign. They are Henry Moore’s Silhouette au Repos and the mobile Spi- rale by Alexander Calder. Two collaborations between Catalan painter Joan Miró and ceramicist Josep Llorens Artigas (Les Murs de la Lune et du Soleil) have since been brought under cover to protect them from the elements. Other works displayed inside include a huge mural by Picasso called La Chute d’Icare and Alberto Giacometti’s sculpture L’Homme qui Marche . To the rear of the Secretariat lies another green space, where the kinetic work Signaux Éoliens by Greek artist Vassilakis Takis can be found. Beyond, and in front of one of the ancilliary buildings, is the Square de la Tolérance . It features an olive tree and a stone wall en- graved in ten languages with an extract from UNESCO’s constitution. The square was a gift from Israel in 1996 in memory of the country’s murdered Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. On the wall of another build- ing is Jean Bazaine’s mosaic Les Rhythmes d’Eau . Next to the square is the Jardin Japonais , which is unusual in that it was designed by a sculptor, Isamu Noguchi. It was given by the